Founded in FoCo 2025: Call for Proposals

We invite you to help shape the 2025 Founded in FoCo conference by submitting a session proposal! Our event thrives on community-driven ideas, and we’re looking for engaging, insightful sessions that reflect our 2025 theme:

2025 Annual Theme

Be Future-Proof: The Power of Connection & Innovation

Ready for Tomorrow: Adapt. Connect. Thrive.

This year’s event focuses on empowering entrepreneurs, nonprofits, startups, and creatives by exploring innovation, adaptability, and the importance of community connections.

Connected in Community: We’re all in this together. By supporting one another through both adversity and success, the connections we build will ground us and unlock new opportunities.

Resilience Through Flexibility: Success isn’t about avoiding challenges—it’s about adapting to them. Learn how staying flexible not only helps you overcome obstacles but also makes you a stronger and more successful leader.

Explore Innovation, AI & the Future of Work: AI is advancing rapidly, reshaping industries and transforming how we work. Are you ready? Equip yourself with the tools and knowledge to lead into tomorrow.

Now Accepting Proposals

Founded in FoCo welcomes proposals from experts regionally and beyond who’d like to share their expertise and help us create an inclusive and safe space to explore new ideas and build relationships.

2025 event highlights:

  • Networking That Matters: More than collecting business cards—this is about forging meaningful connections and cross-sector collaborations that will shape your future.
  • Spotlight on AI and Innovation: Explore how AI and technological advancements are reshaping work and the entrepreneurial landscape. What does it mean for you, and how can you take advantage?
  • Tactics You Can Implement: Sessions and workshops sharing real-world experience that attendees can try and put to use right away. This is the heart of our content, especially for our new Creative Track!
  • Cross-Sector Exploration: Break down silos and find inspiration from different industries and perspectives. Often, the best ideas come from unexpected places.

Explore the 2025 event tracks for Founded in FoCo >>

2025 Tracks for Founded in FoCo

New! Check out the AI Track and the Creative Track.

Explore the diverse Tracks for our 2025 event. Each track is designed to cater to different roles and industries, ensuring that all attendees can find sessions that are valuable and relevant. We aim to be inclusive and create a safe space to dive into new ideas and build new skills.

We strongly recommend your proposal and session have a primary target track. Learn more about our tracks below.

Builder Track | NonProfit Track | Solopreneur/Freelancer Track | Mental Health Track | AI Track | Creative Track

The Builder Track

Track Description: The Builder track is designed for businesses that are emerging, expanding, and/or thriving. They have 2 to 50 employees and are looking for tools and skills to continue building a successful, sustainable business. This track includes sessions on finance, sales, marketing, leadership, operations, legal, IT, and product strategy.

This track is for founders and senior members of your team who need to develop and improve their skills and business acumen. The sessions offer unique opportunities to learn, network, share experiences and build valuable connections within the local business community.

Examples of topics we’d be excited to program include (click to expand):
  • Raising Funding: Options, VC, and Advanced Pitching Strategies
  • Cashflow Management and Financial Reporting Basics
  • Mergers & Acquisitions: Preparing for Exit and Business Valuation
  • Customer Research: Developing Personas and Reaching Your Target Audience
  • SEO in the AI Era: Being Findable and Relevant
  • Creating Effective Sales Playbooks and Revenue Operations
  • Attracting and Retaining Talent: Leadership Development and Succession Planning
  • Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Legal Considerations for Businesses
  • To Outsource or Not: Hiring Strategies for Fractional CXOs
  • Product/Market Fit and Adapting to Market Changes

The NonProfit Track

Track Description: The NonProfit Track offers a dedicated space for nonprofit leaders, staff, volunteers, and supporters to come together, share insights, learn from each other, and develop essential skills for their organizations’ success. This track is tailored to address the specific needs of nonprofits, with sessions focused on key areas such as fundraising, governance, program development, capacity building, and financial management.

This track was created in response to the need for community and connection within the nonprofit sector. With tight budgets often limiting opportunities for training and professional development, this track emerged to fill that gap, providing a network of support for the individuals and organizations committed to making a difference in the community.

Examples of important topics we’d be excited to program include (click to expand):
  • Starting a Nonprofit
  • Developing an Effective Board
  • Fundraising Basics: Understanding the Donor Cycle
  • Strategic Planning for Nonprofits
  • Finance and Budgeting Essentials
  • Speed Networking & Building Partnerships
  • Overview of Aims Certification
  • Capacity Building & Nonprofit Lifecycle
  • The Art of Gathering: Creating Meaningful Events
  • Change Management for Nonprofits

The Solopreneur/Freelancer Track

Track Description: You’re not like those big businesses, looking for big funding or hiring a big team. You want skills you can implement across your business for sustainable success, and the connections that make your journey fun.

Examples of important topics we’d be excited to program include (click to expand):
  • Finding Your Message: Crafting Authentic Offerings
  • Networking for Introverts
  • Building a Social Media Strategy for Small Businesses
  • Elements of a Sales Conversation
  • Managing Your Time & Attention
  • Cash Flow Management & Tax Planning for the Self-Employed
  • How to Market Without Social Media
  • Pricing & Packaging for Profit
  • Tool Selection & Automation
  • Client Onboarding & Offboarding

The Mental Health Track

Track Description: We aim to end the stigma surrounding mental health and promote the benefits of neurodiversity within the business community. Entrepreneurs are 50% more likely to face mental health challenges, a reality we are committed to addressing.

The track features resources and talks from business leaders who share personal experiences and emphasize the importance of open dialogue around mental health. We seek to foster community, connection, and inclusivity, creating a safe space for discussing mental health both personally and professionally.

Examples of important topics we’d be excited to program include (click to expand):
  • Getting Booked: Connecting with Venues & Festivals
  • Building Your Brand & Social Media Presence as a Creative
  • Turning Your Side Hustle into the Main Gig
  • Multiple Streams of Revenue for Creatives
  • Grant Writing for Creatives & Competitive Applications
  • Pricing Your Art & Money Mindset
  • Marketing Beyond Raw Talent: Tools to Market Yourself
  • Copyright, Trademarks, & Protecting Your Intellectual Property
  • Budgeting, Tax Planning, & Managing Seasonal Income
  • Building a Consistent Creative Practice & Overcoming Blocks

The AI Track (New!)

Track Description: The AI Track is designed to empower solopreneurs, small businesses and non-profits by demystifying AI and demonstrating its practical applications. The track offers expert insights, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities, making AI accessible and actionable for businesses of 1 to 50.

This track helps businesses overcome the overwhelm of adopting AI while ensuring that data protection and privacy are prioritized. By simplifying AI concepts and providing real-world examples, this Track ensures that organizations can confidently integrate AI into their operations, fostering innovation and long-term success.

Examples of important topics we’d be excited to program include (click to expand):
  • Understand AI Fundamentals
  • The AI “mindset”
  • Innovating with AI
  • Unlocking Your Potential: Thriving with AI in the Workplace
  • Create New Business Models
  • Practical Applications
  • Expert Insights
  • Hands-On Experience
  • Networking
  • Security and Privacy 
  • Ethics in AI

The Creative Track (New!)

Track Description: NoCo is known for its arts scene and to keep it vibrant, our creators must also thrive as independent businesses. The Creative Track provides a place where artists of all forms can learn sustainable business skills and connect with other artists and potential patrons. This includes visual, written, performance, and sculptural creators and makers (and any combination thereof!).

In addition, we will provide opportunities for creatives and artists to network, share experiences, and build valuable connections within the local community. It offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of creative businesses at different stages while fostering a collaborative and supportive environment.

Priority programming areas for the track include: Marketing/Sales, Finance, Logistics, Tech & Legal, and Creative Growth.

Examples of important topics we’d be excited to program include (click to expand):
  • Getting Booked: Connecting with Venues & Festivals
  • Building Your Brand & Social Media Presence as a Creative
  • Turning Your Side Hustle into the Main Gig
  • Multiple Streams of Revenue for Creatives
  • Grant Writing for Creatives & Competitive Applications
  • Pricing Your Art & Money Mindset
  • Marketing Beyond Raw Talent: Tools to Market Yourself
  • Copyright, Trademarks, & Protecting Your Intellectual Property
  • Budgeting, Tax Planning, & Managing Seasonal Income
  • Building a Consistent Creative Practice & Overcoming Blocks

What makes for a strong session and proposal for Founded in FoCo?

  1. 95% to 5% Rule*: 95% amazing content, 5% self-promotion (if any). Seriously: do not use this as a self-promotion vehicle. If you do, you will not be asked to speak again.
  2. Attendance goes WAY up when there is a VERY CLEAR take-away from the session: “by the end of this session, you will know how to _______”.
  3. You have a clear plan for how you’ll engage participants in real-time and encourage community building (not just a boring lecture).
  4. Speakers engage their audience ahead of time and promote their own talk. For example:
    • Speakers create a Facebook event for their session and add FiFC as a host.
    • Speakers have a cover image (use Canva’s PowerPoint slide size, it’s super simple).
    • Promote their session and the event with the network and on social media
  5. Speakers have a hand-out/slides available to download via QR code and/or our event platform. Don’t rely on your PowerPoint deck. Attendees are there to learn from YOU, not read slides.
  6. Practice, practice, practice. You can organize a listening session with our team when selected.

* Please note: we restrict pay-to-play programming; becoming a sponsor does not guarantee a presentation slot. In the spirit of transparency, all speakers must disclose financial benefits to presenting.

Session TypeLengthExamples
Keynote and/or Featured45 min – 1.5 hrsKick off, Track featured session, Thematic keynote
Session45 minPresentation, panel discussion, roundtable, etc
Workshop1.5 – 2+ hrsHands on learning opportunity, deep dive on topic
Networking and/or Social30 min – 2+ hrsGet to know people and have fun!
Your idea!TBDShare a format for us to consider!
Kim Fisher presenting at Founded in FoCo.

How are proposals selected?

Share your ideas with us! Here’s how proposals are reviewed and selected by our programming and track team volunteers.

  1. Submit Your Proposal
    Share your idea for a session including the ideal format (workshop, presentation, networking event). Make it as compelling as possible so we know what you have in mind. Track teams may also invite community members to share a proposal to meet their goals.
    Priority Deadline: Sunday, Oct. 20 at 8 PM MT
  2. Programming and Track Teams Score Proposals
    We’ll review and score your proposal including a blind-review round. Incomplete submissions will be rejected with the opportunity to re-submit within the deadline.
    Timeline: October – November
  3. Preliminary Selections Announced
    We’ll let you know by the end of November if your proposal was selected or waitlisted to be part of the 2025 event.
    Timeline: Before December.
  4. Sessions Added to the Event Schedule
    Selected session proposals will be added to the event schedule. Speakers and presenters must confirm promptly so that we can make room for sessions from the waitlist.
    Timeline: December – January.
  5. Promote Your Session and the Event!
    Spread the word about your session and Founded in FoCo with your audience on social media, email, and in-person. Help us maximize our shared-success!
    Timeline: January – March.
  6. Present at Founded in FoCo!
    The event takes place March 10 – 14, 2025 at the Fort Collins Senior Center with the detailed schedule released to the public in late-January.
Full house for our opening keynote, "Building a Million Dollar Tiny Business" Photo: Connor Fritz Photography

2025 Call for Proposals

Ready to share your ideas? Get started here! Complete this short questionnaire and we’ll send you instructions to apply.

Our Commitment to Inclusion and Accessibility

If there’s anything we can do to make it easier for you to apply, please do let us know. We’re committed to supporting diverse members of our community and challenging known and unknown barriers to providing access to the opportunities we offer. Reach out to us at [email protected]

¡Si hay algo que podamos hacer para facilitarte el proceso de solicitud, no dudes en decírnoslo! Estamos comprometidos a apoyar la diversidad en nuestra comunidad y a eliminar cualquier obstáculo, conocido o desconocido, que pueda impedir el acceso a las oportunidades que ofrecemos. ¡Contáctanos en [email protected]!