Speaker Training

Here’s a collection short videos and resources to help you get ready for Founded in FoCo. Don’t forget to make a plan to engage before, during, and after your session too.

Make the Most of Your Session

Here are some tips to get ready and have a successful session (& week) at Founded in FoCo.

  1. 95% to 5% Rule
    The event seeks to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit of our community. Share what motivates you and focus on helping your audience. 95% amazing content, 5% self-promotion (if any).
  2. Promote your Session
    Spread the word! Share on social media, your email newsletter, your colleagues. Attendance goes WAY up when there is a VERY CLEAR take-away from the session: “by the end of this session, you will know how to _”.
  3. Get a handle on Tech Logistics
    Bring your laptop and charger. Have a back-up link in the cloud or USB drive just in case. Be prepared to use a microphone in larger rooms.
  4. Double Check Location: We’ll make adjustments to room assignments as needed up until the day of your session
    Try to stay flexible. We may decide to adjust rooms based on needs for sessions, other programming, and the audience.

Thank you for being part of our community and sharing your expertise at Founded in FoCo.

Canva Promo Graphic

How to make your Canva promo graphic. Access the template here: Canva Template

Sched Speaker Tools

Edit your profile. Add slides. Update your description. Share your bio and website link.

Have questions?

We’re here to help you make the most out of the event – personally and professionally. Reach out to us at [email protected]