Looking ahead to 2025 – Here’s how to share your ideas and get involved

Believe it or not, planning is underway for our 2025 event. Save the date: March 10 – 14, 2025 at the Fort Collins Senior Center (that’s right, Senior Center – it’s a great place to be). This year we’ve reserved the entire social wing for you – our community – to spark new ideas, learn from peers, and build relationships.

Ideas and Suggestions from the Community

On May 22, we held our 2025 kick off and open house at the Lyric. If you haven’t been there yet, check them out. The Lyric has independent film, outdoor movies, concerts, beer festivals, and more.

We asked attendees, what do you value most about Founded in FoCo. Their top answer was: meeting new people & building relationships, followed by being part of the community. This is exactly why we are excited to bring Founded in FoCo to life: community.

A live poll during the event asked attendees to rank what they valued most about Founded in FoCo

At the kick off we asked community members to share their ideas for the event. Thank you to everyone who shared suggestions – share your ideas here. Here are just a few:

  • Seek to include youth entrepreneurs and people who support them
  • Programming that fits for working parents, or even offer childcare
  • Explore the intersections of our community and economy, especially opportunities for serving on nonprofit boards or getting involved with community organizations
  • Sustainability initiatives including a zero-waste challenge
  • Time to deep-dive and get feedback on your venture / business
  • More networking time with facilitation or speed networking
  • Inclusion efforts for Spanish and non-English native speakers

Already on our wishlist for 2025:

  • Partners and sponsors to make the event better than ever
  • Team members and advisors, especially to help us develop new programming for creatives and bringing products to market, and help people connect to what’s going on in our community
  • Fun collaborations that help attendees meet people and build relationships
  • Volunteers and those who are excited to take on logistics
Community members gathered in the Mothership theater at the Lyric for our 2025 kick off presentation.
Photo of the lobby at the Lyric where community members are gathered for lunch and networking.
Community members having lunch and networking.

Here are the slides from the presentation:

Do you have ideas for our next event? Interested in getting involved?

Founded in FoCo is created by the community, for the community. Please share your ideas and let us know if you’re interested in getting involved below.

We also working hard to make room for additional team members, a new advisory team, and volunteers. View our team graphic here.

Use the form below to share your ideas and let us know if you’re interested in getting involved. Thank you to everyone who joined us at the open house!

Share Your Ideas with Us

How are you interested in getting involved?(Required)
Let us know what you’re excited about. This is just an interest form, not a contract.

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